Support Our Work
How to Support Our Work
Volunteer with us! Our work is volunteer centered – we are looking for champions of equity to join our team. Apply HERE.
- Parent Cafés: The Be Strong Families Parent Café program is a nationally recognized peer-to-peer learning process to keep children safe and families strong. This is a shift from listening to “experts” to drawing on the wealth of knowledge already in the room. Parents and caregivers create safe spaces to explore their strengths, learning from themselves and each other. We look to connect with individuals who want to be part of facilitating these conversations with parents and caregivers.
Hold a house party to spread the word and generate financial support for our work.
- Contact us to hold a House Party to spread the word and generate financial support for our work.
Invite us to come speak to your group or organization.
- Contact us to come speak to your group or organization about child abuse prevention efforts.
Donate directly at:
- Friends of 90by30
- A 501 (c)(3) organization established to provide financial support for 90by30 programming
- UO Foundation
- When prompted, please choose "Additional Options." then "Other" and type in "90by30."