Our Programs
Our Programs
90by30 implements evidence-based and research-informed programming across all of Lane County.

Be Strong Families Parent Cafés
The Be Strong Families Parent Café strategy is a nationally recognized model in which parents and caregivers come together to share their strengths and learn from one another. This is a shift from listening to “experts” to drawing on the wealth of knowledge already in the room. Volunteer facilitators strive to create safe spaces for deep, peer-led conversations about the challenges and joys of caring for children, to support social connections, build self-compassion, and reduce isolation.
Parent Cafés are available virtually for all Lane County parents and caregivers; in person Cafés are in Eugene and Springfield areas.
Cafés occur every third Thursday of the school year. To be added to Café announcements and registration information, please send us an email.

90by30's Prevention Education
90by30’s Prevention Education raises awareness and educates community about child abuse and neglect prevention. We meet the community where they are at by speaking with local groups, tabling at events, and collaborating with local businesses. Contact us to have a speaker come to your event or business. During Child Abuse Prevention Month (April) and Domestic Violence Awareness Month (October) you can anticipate exciting new opportunities to engage and support the work we do.

Youth Advisory Council (YAC)
As part of the 90by30 Initiative, CSAW’s Youth Advisory Council provides recommendations that inform all aspects of CSAW’s work, develops context-specific projects, and builds skills to become better violence prevention advocates in Lane County communities.
CSAW's Youth Advisory Council (YAC) is currently recruiting rural Lane County youth (ages 14-19) to join the council. The YAC meets weekly on Zoom and periodically in person. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in learning more you can complete this interest form.

Lane County Violence Prevention Coalition (LCVPC)
As active participants in the Lane County Violence Prevention Coalition, CSAW supports asset mapping, strengthens networks between existing community organizations, and brings the perspective of Lane County youth by way of violence prevention recommendations and our Youth Advisory Council.
Our goal is to develop a countywide collaborative to build and implement a primary prevention system. Supported by a United Way of Lane County Transformational Grant and in partnership with Hope and Safety Alliance, Sexual Assault Support Services, Kids FIRST, Ophelia's Place, and Suislaw Outreach Services, CSAW is fostering a community of safety and belonging for all children.

Students Against Child Abuse (SACA)
As part of the 90by30 initiative, SACA leverages University of Oregon student talent and resources to advance CSAW’s mission, vision and values. SACA serves as a bridge between Lane County youth and the UO student body in efforts to reduce violence in childhood, youth, and early adulthood.
This student-led organization develops resources that are tailored to student experiences and actively promotes the prevention and recognition of interpersonal violence among youth.
Follow SACA on Instagram.